Saturday, October 23, 2010

Officially winter season

My young co-worker, Robert, took this picture on October 20th from his house. We had gotten some freak hailstorm that afternoon. The next day while at work we got some snow flurries but they didn't last very long. Then also on the 21st, while I was at work I noticed a big bright rainbow above the general store....and just my luck I didn't bring my camera to work. Brenda picked me up to take me to our "Photography Club" meeting and I noticed that it was dark earlier (while I was outside waiting) then I expected it to be...geez, I walked up to the meeting 2 weeks before and it wasn't dark.
Anyways, it has been damn cold this last week. Usually in the Summer I only sleep with 1 blanket, I'm now covered up with 3 and wearing a sweater while I type this. About an hour ago I also decided to turn the heat on in my room.
It has been noted on facebook, that another employee saw that the posts were put out along the sides of the roads too, so the road crew is also getting ready for snow least they ain't out dumping the cinder rocks around yet.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My weekend
(got this link in an email today...will need to copy & paste all of above to follow link)

Have this weekend off and seeing as I am home, there were a couple cleaning projects that I wanted to get done but I am extra tired and have slept most of my weekend away. I have no energy for anything except sleep.
I should be doing laundry also...or at least my work uniform for work tomorrow. But haven't done it yet. I have set an alarm clock for early in the morning so I will hopefully have energy to do laundry in the morning before I go to work. Now thats different because I have gone without an alarm for a couple years.

I have had people tell me that I need to buy energy drinks...but I think they taste disgusting. I drink loads of coffee everyday but it don't keep me awake or give me energy. I have had so much coffee that I ended up with heartburn this morning.

Can I blame my tiredness on our chilly,cloudy weather? Can I blame it on the fact I ain't had nothing to eat today? Maybe I'll blame it on the rash (or massive amount of bug bites on my arm) and just to uncomfortable to do anything...or better yet I should just fess-up and blame it on the fact that I am just to overwhelmed with the mess in my room and get tired as a way to avoid organizing anything & dealing with it all.

It's only taken me over 6 hours to even type this up..(.kept this computer window open all day.)
I slept about 3 hours last night but mostly I was laying down with the laptop...guess it takes a certain laziness and/or talent to use a laptop while laying down all day.

There was a sign at Backcountry office on Friday saying that we would be getting some heavy rain tonight. and weatherbug says we will have a few days of rain. So far the sky is getting filled with dark clouds. My kids got a bit of snow in VT and NH yesterday. I ain't ready for snow yet.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Books-Books-and more Books

Above is the picture of books I left on the "free table" downstairs along with 2 pair of pants and an old pair of shorts that I don't want anymore.

This is what the top of my dresser looks like this morning. I probably still have some more yoga magazines somewhere around my room. I'm pretty sure if you click on the picture that you might be able to see the titles of the books better.
I have seen quite a few guests this year with kindles (electronic books) and am still thinking that might be a better solution to my book collection, as a kindle takes up a lot less space in a room and a kindle is easier to carry around when traveling through airports.
Just noticed that I still have the New Years hat up on the top's from New Years Eve 2007....LOL, time to throw it out.