your world may be covered with raindrops or snowflakes, BUT "in my world~ it's always a sunny day"
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Anyone still following?
Monday, November 2, 2020
November 2020
Well I am in Arizona (again), a state that doesn't change its clocks...except my laptop, tablets and fitbit were all set with Pacific Time Zone from my time of living in Death Valley. So I got a bit confused yesterday morning when the clock on the kitchen stove was different then all my electronics.
Luckily I figured it out, and finally changed all the settings on everything before I had to go into work. Speaking of was boring, dead slow. My manager sent me home an hour early. I have split days off this week: Thursday and Saturday...we have a 20% chance of getting snow on Saturday.
I mostly blog on wordpress and a website called Sparkpeople now, but someone on wordpress mentioned bloggers yesterday so I decided to come check out my old blogs and see if bloggers had changed at all.
Today I made a Mexican Cornbread Casserole for my housemates dinner...hope they like it. Just the smell seems to spicy for me. There are 4 people living in this house...2 work at Starbucks and then me and one of the assistant managers work in the general store. All 3 of my housemates are young enough to be my children.
Monday, July 6, 2020
Waiting in Flagstaff
Waiting for the HR department is also not easy to do. I have been in contact with my future boss. He is also a past boss, as my next job is one that I left 2 years ago. But we have to wait for HR to go through all the proper procedures.
So while I wait, I am spending time watching alot of food network on television. Actually it's almost 6am, so I should go catch a bus to get breakfast.
Of course getting a room over the 4th of July weekend is not the easiest or the cheapest thing to do.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Summer Haircut
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
It's Been Awhile

Today I went riding around with my friend Cindy. She showed me where the original spot for the "WELL" for the Stovepipe Wells area was. We both don't understand why the village wasn't closer to the Well. Why would you find a water hole in this HOT dry barren desert, and then make a village 10+ miles away?
Anyways I plan on staying here for 1 more year. Next year in March, I will probably think about different locations to travel to. For now, I will continue being a desert-rat. I just hope the heat this coming Summer isn't as brutal as it was last year. 130 degrees is not something I can do every summer for the rest of my life.
Ooh, and tonight my roomie is packing up to leave. She is moving somewhere Southeast of here with her boyfriend. Which means I will have a room to myself for awhile.
Monday, January 15, 2018