The wind was ready to blow me over the edge here

your world may be covered with raindrops or snowflakes, BUT "in my world~ it's always a sunny day"
I've been daydreaming about seeing Alaska for many years...first I had a neighbor couple in NH who used to work in some fishing village for the Summers for quite a few years. Then when I got here to the Grand canyon I started hearing stories about others going to work at Denali Park. Well my desire to see Alaska hasn't gone away; and seeing as I ain't getting no younger, I figure I might as well go up there while I can.
I've been on the website "coolworks" and searching every job I could find. I absolutely LOVE the idea of working near the water. I think it might be the 1 big thing I miss here at GCSR. Seward, Homer, Moose Pass, Cooper Landing, Whittier are all small communities located on the Kenai Peninsula; and then Sitka is on an Island in the Southeast panhandle area...they all have seasonal jobs around the water. Then further up North is Girdwood, Talkeetna, Crow's Nest & way up past the Artic Circle line is~Coldfoot Camp. Coldfoot just opened up it's jobs today for the Summer 2011 season and I have already sent my application in. And if you know where to look, then you can also find year-round jobs just like every other state in the USA.
I have this next week off from work, so I'm still decluttering my room...cuz there is no way I can bring everything with me to AK. Funny but a few weeks ago when I said something about getting rid of everything to Brenda, she made a comment something like~~ "well what are you going to do with your juicer?" Huh? I guess some people could never imagine getting rid of an appliance to make moving easier. When part of your childhood is spent with a family of 4 in a 2-room home or with a family of 9 living in a small 1-bedroom apartment...it's quite easy to get back to.
I have dropped off truck loads of furniture, clothes and different household odds&ends in the past, at thrift shops and neighbor's yards; that some little kitchen appliance isnt going to keep me from traveling around. My family even had a van crammed-full of stuff break down in PA...and we left it there to continue on our first move to AZ in 1998. And now...my juicer is already gone.
The Summers here at GCSR are to darn crowded and the heat this last Summer was more then I want to deal with again. Besides I seem to be getting stuck in some sort of rut lately, and decided I need to shake things up a bit once again. So hopefully...just maybe, by the end of April I will be off on another adventure (about darn time too).
My brother was always waiting for me to write a book, well he might get 1 about~~"from down in the hole, to the top of the world"~~about hiking in the Grand Canyon & going to the top of the world.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didnt do than by the one you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the winds in your sails. Explore.Dream.Discover."~Mark Twain
"Adventure is a path~self determined, self motivated, often risky~forces you to have fist hand encounters with the world....the world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind & perhaps realize that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever be Black & white"~Mark Jenkins