just put 1 foot in front of thee other and soon you'll be walking out the door...or...or
Just put 1 foot in front of thee other and soon you'll be walking cross the floor...or...or)
Every week we get messeges from the rec center here after everyone has weighed-in for the weightloss contest....usually late Sunday or early Monday. Here is part of their messege this week. This weeks healthy habit challenge is to try to log 3 miles total walking/running for the entire week. That means at the end of weigh in, the total amount you would have walked for the week would have been at least three miles. The weather is going to start turning beautiful again...let's all get out and enjoy it!
I guess I always considered walking as just something you do to get from point A to point B. like I would walk to the store, walk to work, walk the dogs so they could have different scenery/fresh air...sometimes I think I still have a hard time thinking of walking as being exercise. So anyways my contest messege says to walk 3 miles this week...well on the days I remember to wear my pedometer I can do over 3 miles in just a normal day, which is surprising seeing as I sit on my butt in front of the computer alot more then I should,
So yesterday after work I decided to go for a walk . I went up to Pipe Creek Vista and walked back down to Mather Point. Now this picture might not look like much but its a spot that is peaceful & relaxing and seeing as it was a chilly/windy/ day, there was nobody else around.

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