Monday, April 12, 2010

Morning Smoothie & Morning routine

Last week I found a new mini recipe book in our general store for "Smoothies and Summer Drinks" so after thumbing through the book this morning and wishing I had lots more fruit at home I noticed a "Raspberry-Lemon Smoothie". Now it called for 1 cup of frozen raspberries but I have frozen blackberries instead.....luckily they worked alright too.

Here's the simple recipe in the book:
1 cup of frozen raspberries (I used froz. blackberries)
8oz lemon-flavored yogurt
1/2 cup milk (I use soymilk)
1 teaspoon vanilla

Put it all in a blender & enjoy

Think the next time Brenda & I go shopping in Flagstaff...I'll have to look through this book again to make my shopping list. There's even a recipe for "Iced Almond Chai Tea Latte"....hmmmm, wonder if Brenda would want to try that 1.

Well today I work 8-3...not sure why Mondays have such a strange schedule. Oh well it gives me time to waste before heading out to the bus. I start working today with our newest manager~Sheryl.
~EDIT~ going to work is such a bad idea. why? Because I still get up early but I get busy doing other things besides getting ready for work. It's almost 7am now and I am dreading having to change into my uniform. Now if I had to catch the bus at 5am...its a lot easier to get ready.

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